New York

January 9th

10:33 pm January 9th, 2006  from jamminjj
jet blue

We ready! We are about t-minus 70 minutes from lift-off. I was trying to convince jj to join the mile-high club (posting on LJ from a mile up on the BlackBerry but I don't think it is going to happen. We out going to jester's grille.

08:49 pm January 9th, 2006 from jamminjj

Made it safely. Cool personal TVs on plane. In taxi now on the way to adairs.

January 10th

02:41 am January 10th, 2006 from jamminjj

Adair has a pretty sweet pad here in ny. We were hungry when we got in so adair grabbed a shower and then took is through a brief tour of union square I think. There were funny people dancing all around and it was cool.

We bought unlimited subway passes for the week and my Michigan hoodie helped me make a friend. We talked about katrina and how all the money was going to the war instead. Just before wall st he stop hell on earth!

We ate at yaffa cafe and it was really tasty. I had a salad with carrot dressing which was better than expected and dijon chicken. Jimmy also shared his hummis.

Before I left I had to show my parents and Sarah how to do different parts of my job for me while I'm gone and it made my job seem really really hard. It was bizarre because I was like man there is really a lot to remember and do.

Any way I better get to bed for a big day tomorrow. Statue of liberty and ground zero. Anyone else have any good recommendations on things we should do here?

January 11th

11 January 2006 @ 04:53 am  from jimb0

Woah, after leaving Adair's apparment sometime shortly after 11 AM this morning we have finally returned back. It was a pretty intresting day. Spent the beginning of the day walking around lower manhattan and just seeing what we would stumble upon. We had intended to visit Ground Zero, which we did. It was less moving than expected. I guess that is because there was someone in Scotland that I spoke to about it a few years ago and they talked about how it was such a moving experience for his sister. Anyhow, it was good to see and gave me a little bit of time to offer some prayers for all the lives affected by the tragedy.

Following that, we just walked along side the Hudson River which was pretty cool. It was a plesant day when you could find sunlight but if you were away from the sunlight it would get a little bit too chilly. Anyhow, we saw some ferries and decided to walk towards them. Once we got to their terminal we decided we really didn't need them it looked like they went to New Jersey. There was this really cool colgate clock that we could easily spot on the other side. We spent a good deal more time walking and purcasahed tickets for Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty but decided to hold them for another day when we had more time.

Then we decided to head off for Wall St. and then catch a train on the subway to Times Square. On our way to wall st. we passed the musem of native americans which offered free admission so we deided to visit. It was a pretty cool musem mostly because it was free. They had some pretty cool pottery but it seemed like a significat part of the musem was closed. Anyhow, it was neat to look at their pottery and the way they depicted people. Anyhow, following the Musem we went to Times Square. We spent a good deal of time just walking around and looking at all the crazy advertisments and television screens. It was pretty cool. Finally, we decided to get a bite to eat but our guide book suggested Rockafeller Center so we decided to walk there.

Woah, I'm tired of this detailed update or rather I'm just tired. Anyhow, we went and saw St. Patrick's Cathedral which was impressive. I really enjoyed visiting the Church and being held captive by such a signficant silent space reserved for God in such an overwhelmingly hustle and bustle city. It was nice and rejuvienating to spend a little time inside. Anyhow, afterwards we saw some ice-skaters at Rockafeller and then met up with Adair for Pizza. Following Pizza, we made our way to the massive Barnes and Nobles which was pretty cool. I was able to find a few books which I didn't end up purchasing but a read apart of one and enjoyed it.

Then we headed to Adair's friend's place. Her name is Norah. We hung out there for a while and then went to a local bar in the area for Karoke. It was pretty good time we met some people who invited us to some afterparty this Friday which I think we are going. Anyhow, after a while at the bar we headed back to Norah's to get our camera and Adair gave us the keys to his place. We took the two subways neccesary to return back and then had troulbe opening the door. After spending sometime with it though we were able to get in. At first we thought we were locked out and wondering what to do next. Anyhow, we have decided to postpone plans to see Conan tommorow since we are getting to bed so late tonight. Anyhow, Adair is being a good host and we are having a good time in the city. Oh yeah, I forgot we went to Nitendo World which was awesome! They had a mini muesuem of nitendo and countless games set up that you can play so we enjoyed ourselves while we played all sorts of games.

We have made contact with Jess and Sabrina and hopefully will be seeing them soon!


05:04 pm January 11th, 2006 from jamminjj

I think we went everywhere in the entire city of new York yesterday. It was wild good times. Jimmy wrote about most of it but I wanted to add a few of my details.

Its been fun trying new foods and drinks. To name a few I got a pineapple sunkist and some crazy terra chips. At the pizza place we got the dude pizza in honor of lebowski. They had a Clifton one but it had no meat so no one wanted it. At the bar called sweet ups I had a beer by the same name which was actually pretty good.

I'm not used to city photography. I'm totally trained in the woods, heh.

We met some intersting people already. This one guy is going to DJ Friday and is having an after party that we got invited to as well. Were totally getting local, yeahhh.

Souveniers are weird because I think of them as needing two criteria one be something the person will like and two be something they can't get where they are. But with the internet I keep thinking people can get just about anything so souveniers seem almost outdated.

Oh! We had our first rat sighting last night! We were waiting for the subway at about 4 am and saw at least three. It was exciting.

Seriously it feels like we've been here for at least a week already, but we still have that long to go. Exciting!

January 12th

12 January 2006 @ 01:56 am from jimb0

Yeah, yeah, yeah!

Well, today turned out to be a nice day. Due to our late evening last night, we didn't end up waking up until a little after noon. That was a bit diaspointing but I figure the rest probablly was good for dominating my cold. Anyhow, once we woke up we took showers and hit the road. The subway crowd was pretty intresting this morning. First though, we were waiting on the subway and this lady told us the 4 ain't comming today you have to catch a 3 and then catch da 4. So thats when I remebered that I had seen a sign the other day about something similiar to that. Once we got on the train it was all fun and games. There was this elderly man sitting down who was very methodically eatting some potatoe chips. The bag was smelling up the whole train. Anyhow, there was this other guy on the train who looked a bit goofy and he stood up walked over to a sticker on one of the adverts grabed it, rolled it, and stuck it on the bottom of his umbrella handle. Then he returened to his seat next to Mr. Chip. Well, he sticks out his hand open next to Mr. Chip and Mr. Chip reaches in his bag and dishes out a healthy porition of chips. I was watching the whole incident intently because I was curious to see how the man would respond with his surplus of chips to the nonverbal chip wanter. Generously is the answer, if you were wondering as was I.

Anyhow, we had decided to head to the Metropoliatan Muesuem of Art. It took a long while to make it to the Central Park area though. It was about 2 by the time we stepped out of the subway dungeon. So we strolled around looking for a resturant before our visit to the MET and decided on Morrocan Cafe or something similiar. I ordered something without a description and with a name I didn't recognize to be adventerous. It turned out well.

At the resturant, it was fun becuase there was this person dressed it what appeared to be Orthodox Jewish garb but I'm no expert. Although I did notice that the resturant proudly boasted on its sign not only that it was open on Saturday night but also that the food served was kosher. Mosses would be proud of my selection! Anyhow, back to our friend. During our convesations, I would notice him earing up to us to catch the juicy bits of our conversation which was not juicy. Anyhow, at one point JJ's phone made a noise signaling that he had recieved a message and you should have seen the man's face! He was captivated by us and more so by the blackberry. Anyhow, at the end of the meal he asked our/his waitress if she was from Israel but nope it turns out she is from Paris and fresh in the States and self-claimed she didn't have good english. She was a good waitress though.

Then we did it big at the MET and by big I mean we didn't even make it to the second floor before they asked us to leave. Oh, I'm getting ahead of myself. The entrance fee to the MET is a donation suggested for students to be $7. Well, JJ only had big rig bills and I had a loose $13 so I figured I'd donate for the both of us. Well, the laddy looks at my money counts it and grunts rather rudly. Then gives us this whacked out stare of disgust and then prints out our tickets. Probablly the rudest person I have encouantered thus far. Then we looked around the first floor for a couple of hours. Tried to make it to the second floor when we were denied because the musuem was closing in 30 minutes. Bummer dude. Anyhow, the musem continued to get ridiciusous. We went downstairs and saw this awesome statue of this dude holding a big ol' sword, naked, and medusa's head in the other hand. The dude's name was Perseus. It was a hip statue. Then we went in one wing and security was there and people told us we couldn't go down there and it looked like a scene on National Treasure with blueprints and stuff and we decdied it was getting to creepy and we best make like some jelly and roll. Later on though, we decided lockins at the MET would be the cooliest, creepiest ever. I think there is some children's story about being locked in a musuem. I think Katherine gave it to me and I enjoyed it.

The big rotating exhibit which we were able to see was Fra Angelico. He was a dominican monk around the mid 15th century. Anyhow, he did a lot of cool religious paintings and turns out he was beaitified by JPII. Oh wait! I'm forgetting the best part. African masks galore! This things were freakin increadible and JJ made a comment about how they were much more imaginative than the other folks. We also saw all kinds of furniture from all kinds of ages, which was appropriate for JJ's profession.(Buisness Trip, write that mug off)

Time to get serious. I'm getting sleepy. We took the subs to Union Square. Went to Wal-Greens and this one person there was hillarious. He kept telling us his big secret uber cool trick. He buys his candies at the Walgreens sticks them in his pockets and then goes to the movies. The movies charge way too much for candy and it is crazy so he beats the system! He also lost a very expensive glove and was searching the whole store for it and kept asking everyone he would run in to if they had seen it. He was intresting.

We left wal-greens went to Circiuit City. Then proceded to Virgin Megastore to wait on Sabrina and Don. See what you don't I had contacted Sabrina before going to the MET and made plans to meet up with them later that evening at the Virigin Megastore for 7. So we listened to music since we got there early. I enjoyed myself on the free musics. Then we went outside and waited on our friends. They were a bit late but that made it cool becuase it started raining and this guy poped out of nowhere with these umbrellas he was peddaling hard. He kept proclaiming Umbrellas!, Umbrellas! which was great becuase we decided to text Sabrina and say we're near the umbrella man! Then the rain really started pouring down and he procliamed all the louder, "Heavy Rain! Heavy Rain! Umbrellas!" It was funny and I liked it.

We meet up with Sabrina and Don. It was pretty fun catching up. I talked about myself and they talked about themselves on the way to a Thai resturant. We passed through the place where they play chess in Washington Square. It was a really good meal and Don ordered everything for us. We shared all the platters and it was fun. It was neat visiting with them and they shared all the insider secrets about everything. They even told us about some comedy club we should try and make it to and how to get free tickets. They also told us that Connan tickets are hard to comeby without advane reservations. We chatted some more and enjoyed some more good food. One of the entreees is a whole fish and Don used his ninja skills to debone it. It is cool looking and don't worry we got pics of it. Oh yeah, they also had Thai iced tea and we ordered that. It was quite intresting and enjoyable.

After the meal, we went to some belgian bar for a pint of lager. It was pretty cool place and we visited over a pint. That is where I thought about how I enjoy going to pubs/bars when I'm on trips but I really don't like it at all if its in a city that I reside in. Anyhow, it was an enjoyable experience. After a beer, we decided to head back. Sabrian and Don are working folk so they needed their rest. On the way back we decided it would do us some good to find a restroom. in the process of hunting down a restroom, we saw a fight over something. We kept walking though and finally made it to a McDonald's where you had to purchase something to use the restroom. I bought a Dr. Pepper. Then we split with our friends. Sabrina is free on Friday so we may give her a call then to hang out again.

Now, we had Adair's keys and his phone was cutting out. Last definite contact, he requested us to meet him at Washington Square Arch. Well, we sent a txt asking for confiramtion on meeting back at the appartment; however, confirmation never arrived so we decided it best to make it to Washington Square Arch. It was a bit of an adventure but we finally made it. No Adair so we head home and find him sitting outside of his appartment because he was locked out.

Then we went to the gas station for a snack and a coke. Came back to the apparment and planned out the rest of our journey. J's got the Itenerary on his blackberry do not worry. Then I wrote this message after watching lazy sunday video for insipiration. Oh yeah that's right we are freakin' heading to Magnolla for a snack attack on cupcakes probablly on Monday!

I'm out.

06:53 am January 12th, 2006 from jamminjj

Went to the met today. MAN there was a lot to see!! Saw a few piccasos but way more exciting was a Salvador dahli. The African masks were also the tightest. I'm hoping they will inspire some literature by me. The Africans were way more imaginitive than the boring old Greeks.

We ate at a Jewish place for lunch which was awesome. Had a mix of meats along with some cous cous. Then for dinner met up with sabrina and her Thai boyfriend don who brought us out for delicious Thai. We shared four dishes including a whole fish and each had Thai iced tea which had milk and was very interesting. This was all followed by some Belgian beer. I had a raspberry one which was way differnt than any beer I've ever had.

Jimmy listened to cds at virgin for hours and Adair took a shower for hours. Funny stuff.

See jimmy journal for more details. He has a real keyboard instead of a phone.

 08:18 am January 12th, 2006 from jamminjj

Got woken up by the cops this morning because Adair called 911 about a drug reaction. They tried to see if wed done any too in case it was a bad batch or something.

We've spent two hours trying to find his hospital. I think we see at the right one. I'm in the waiting room right now. Jimmy had to go to the back alone. Hopefully we made it to the right place.

Man I have no idea what's going on.

 11:34 am January 12th, 2006 from jamminjj

Don't worry he's alive. We napped at the hospital and see almost home now.

January 13th

13 January 2006 @ 01:54 am from jimbo
Lazy Thursday

Don't be mislead by the title it's only referring to the SNL clip.

Well the day begin in a brief moment of delirium. I heard someone walking up the stairs to the appartment and then heard the doorbell ring. I heard some police radios and I was very confused. Eventually, I came to realize that my cousin, who I was staying with, had gotten sick and needed to go to the hospital. It was a pretty scary experience, but I was realieved to know that he was going to the hospital. Anyhow, the EMT later gave us the name of the hospital but JJ and I had no idea where it was.

We tried to look it up on google maps to get an idea, but they don't show any of the underground connetions. Anyhow, at about 5:45 we headed out to locate the hospital. We decided our best bet was to talk to the subway attendent. When I aske her about the hospital she asked me if I was Jewish. I was a bit confused but later understood that there was a branch of the hospital in our neighborhood for Jewish people but JJ remembered that the EMT had mentioned St. John's, which probablly isn't Jewish. Anyhow, she told us she didn't know how to tell us how to get there on the subway but could tell us by busses.

So we didn't really understand the bus system but we learned that it requires metro cards basically so we purcahsed some of those. Then waited on the 48 to take us to Empire. Finally the bus arrived and we took it to the end of the line, empire. We got off the bus and knew the next buss was the 43 and saw where it loaded. However, we also caught a wonderful glimpse of a Dunkin Donuts right near the stop. We headed inside the Donkin D's and ordered some delicaces. We both got a juice, a sasauge egg and cheese bagel, and I got a choclate donut all for a little over $5. I think there may have been a miscalculation in there somewhere.

Now the real fun begins. We waited on the 43 and it was worth the wait. I really don't enjoy visiting cities and looking at historical monuments for the most part. I much rather enjoy natural landmarks or being outdoors in nature as opposed to exploring a city. However, one part of visiting a city that absolutely captivates me is an experience to somehow catch a glimpse of the authentic lives the people live. The people and their lives in the cities are always intriguing to me. The bus ride was increadible because it was early in the morning and everyone was headed to work or to school.

We weren't exactly sure where to get off the bus so we figured St. John's Place would be a good stop. However, after much wondering the streets and consulting google maps a couple of times we discovered we were about a mile from where we needed to be. Fortuantely, we are young and with it so we walked to the hospital. It was intresting because the majority of the walk was off the main streets and just filled with people living their lives.

Anyhow, after a good while we finally arrived at the hospital and hunted down Adair. However, only one visitor was allowed at a time. I decided that one visitor would be me. I walked in and disocvered Adair in the ER pediatirc section. He seemed to be doing fine although very exhausted. I guess it was about 8:30 in the morning by now. He needed some sleep so I went back out in the waiting room. I updated JJ and felt much better after seeing him and knowing he was okay. Anyhow, they were much delayed in releasing him but I guess it's better safe than sorry and he was finally realised around 11. So in between the quater hour visits on the hour we were able to get in some good nap time. After Adair was realeased, we headed back towards a subway station we noticed earlier. Along the way we stoped and made a spare set of keys for the appartment. This was in a Jewish neighborhood. Apparently, there is some resentment between people of Caribian descent and the Jewish people regarding employment or something Adair had told us the other night. I think I noticed what he was talking about because in an all black section of town the only white people we saw besides ourselves were the Jewish people who owned the shops. Anyhow, it was intresting to see. On an unrelated note, the shop owner or manager was increadibly friendly and was joking with his friend about being married soon. However, there was this person on the phone that he kept screaming at becuase they wouldn't was funny.

Once we made it to the subway station we had spoted earlier, it turns out it was only 2 stops from Adairs stop which means it would have been much easie to travel that way but no where near as much fun. Although I was worried about Adair the situation did provide for an opportunity to explore a part of the city that I probablly would not have explored otherwise.

After we got back to Adairs, we got dressed and decided to head to pita pit because Don had given us a two for one coupon the other night. Oh yeah, we also made reservations for the comedy cellar whcih we needed to print. Anyhow, the pita pit was spectacular and we walked a good deal through the city on our way to it. I thoroughly enjoyed my pita. There was a park near the pita pit where we went and watched some basketball and handball following our meal. Then we made our way to the strand, which boasts of over more than 8 miles of books. It is a massive used/new bookstore. However, our opinion seems to be 8 miles of books is mighty impressive but what's even more impressive is that in that 8 miles of books that isn't one intresting one.(maybee a bit exhadurated, maybe).

We roamed around for quite sometime in search magnolla bakery the same one that the dudes eat at in the SNL video, Lazy Sunday! Snack attack! Along the way, we spoted a couple of film crews filming some things. I think they were some kind of reality/date tv thing because I heard mention of yeah, I'd date him again. Furthermore, we found this cool little park and sat in there for a while to rest. This woman came up to us and gave us some flier for some contemporary dance show that she is in...although I don't know how true it is. She said the choreographer was all over her ass to pass these things out. That's about the time we hit up Magnolla Bakery and JJ went hawg wild grabbing 4 cupcakes and I grabed two. JJ was so excited that it was a free for all. Furthermore, there was a 12 cake maximum per person thankfully JJ remained in the limit. Afterwards, we snaped photies outside and offered cupcakes to this homeless man but he was allergic to choclate.

After we went to the park and ate our cupcakes, We thought next to look for Mr. Pibb and Red Vines because they equal crazy delicious but instead we thought we should look for a kinkos to print out the thing we needed to be able to get into the comedy cellar. In the midst of this search, a funny incident occured. We were walking behind this lady and a child who was between 4 and 5. Anyhow, I thought I smelled something rank. And about that time the lady halts...bends over in the child's face quite sternly and says, "Now, You have to let me know when you have to go to the bathroom sooner next can't keep using the bathroom in your pants forever." And the child quite inoccently responded, "but...why not?" And that was a profound moment for me.

We looked for kinkos for quite sometime. However, I witnessed this pretty crazy breakdance thing in the middle of union square. These guys had some awesome moves and at one point this one dude was on his belly on top of another one's head and he was spinning around like a heliecopter blade really fast. The guy on the bottom was walking around too it was tizight and out of sight. There were plenty other break dance moves that were spectacular as well and it was a phenomenal perferomance.

In the meantime, JJ had wondered off following this well done up film crew videoing this couple? walking down the street. We didn't recognize the people being filmed bu thankfully this girl near us did and told us their names which was somethign like: Tom somethign or another and Jessica Gherier. Anyhow, we googled their names and found out they were both going to be in Love Monkey some TV show comaprable to guys Sex in the City...woohoo. The funny thing is though JJ first googled the girl and these naked photies poped up on his blackberry. It was funny because we were in the middle of this square watching them doll up the girl again to be filmed and she was at the sametime naked on JJ's blackberry.

Next we strolled the city for hours looking for Kinkos. We found a non full functional kinkos and it looked a lot more like a FedEx with a wornout elementary school copier than it did a Kinkos. In the search for a full service one that could handle our needs, we encountered this guy who asked me if I knew what the numbers on the side of the Circuit City meant. I told him yeah and he joked the national debt. Anyhow, then he explained the numbers to me which I didn't realize to read the countdown to midnight you read right to left. He also explained his take on the other part of the building which seemed to make sense. Then asked for some food. I said if it's food you want I'll go to the Walgreens over there and get you something. He was a bit taken aback by the statement and distrust in my voice and said of course it's food I want that's what I'm after. Then I thought about how awful it must feel to have someone mistrust you so frequently. Anyhow, he said a sandwhich and a soda would be nice so that is what we provided.

A few hours later we finally found the kinkos and printed the thing out. We were increadibly hungry but continued to search for a good place to eat. In the meantime we stoped into B&N for the bathroom. We ended up listening in on ?Laura? Day talk about her book The Circle. It was quite humerous! She sounded fairly normal at first but then things started getting really wierd and people started asking really strange questions about reading the future and energies. She remarked how intuition is a neutral energy with neither a good or bad flavor but it is falvored by our own integrety you bring to it. But not to fear we all misuse it. If someone ever tells you that they are 100% accurate with their intuition then run the other way! Then she got all excited because this week people were asking so many questions. Then we found out this was an ongoing thing and we left because it only got stranger.

We got some evil stares at one point becuase we started cracking up because I discovered what had happened to JJ's lost coke bottle. About 10 minutes ago we were searching for his lost coke and i threw mine away half-full and remarked how I knew what I had done with mine! Then, I notice a bulge in Magnolia Bakey bag and feel in there and find my empty bottle at that time it became apparent to the both of us what had happened and we couldn't control the laughter as much as we might try.

We walked around for a while longer. Fianlly found an awesome Japanese resteraunt where JJ had the best sushi ever...The Dragon. I had this box full of coolness all kinds of yummies that I don't know the name of. I just ordered the names that looked fun. Worked out remarkably well. Following the yummies, we went to Virgin to meet up with Jess to comedy it up. However, it took us a while to finally meet up and we didn't make the show. However, we did have a good time chillin' with Jess. We walked around some more and went to a resturant where she got somethign to eat. The waiter totally freaked out at JJ because he asked for a Frozen Margarita and apparently that was a seasonal item and it's winter and we aren't serving that OKAY!~ Jj was scolded hard. Anyhow, it was a fun time. We walked and chatted some more. I spun this ginaormous cube near Astor Place station. It was fun!

We chatted with Jess a bit more and we are going to call her tommorow and she is going to come out with us to the after party we got invited to if we really go. Also, tommorow, we are calling Sabrina to hang out with us because she is free apart from Laundry. Hopefully, Adair will be available and we can make it to the NoMa.

Further reflection reaveled to JJ and me that we pretty much quite possibly owned and dominated the city. Well at least the parts of the city we have explored thus far. We are even starting to show the locals around their town. Anyhow, we have decided that we must move our homebase outside of the Union Square, Astor Place, and Washington Square because that is the area we already dominate. Don't know where I next local will be but I'm sure we will dominate it as well! Big ups to Don and Sabrina again for their help in showing us the city.

P.S. the place we ate with Jess was 7A Cafe it is on the corner of 7th Street and A ave. might not have the ave and the st. correct.

10:51 pm January 13th, 2006 from jamminjj

Taxis and ipods see ubiquitous. They call it the big apple for a reason, duh.

By the by we dominated again today. But more on that later, there's adventure yet to be had!

Last trip I learned to like beer. This trip I'm working on coffee. Or at least the starbucks rip off version.

January 14th

14 January 2006 @ 03:03 am from jimb0
Brief Entry

Today was another pleasant day in New York. However, I'm a bit too exhausted to give the update the full explanation it requires.

Let's see we started the day a little late somwhere near noon. After we woke up and showered, we contacted Sabrina who graciously decided to meet us at Union Square for 2:15. So we hung out around the appartment for a bit before we headed out to union square. Once we arrived, we scoped out a Barnes and Nobles serving Starbucks and JJ began to conquer one of the two remaining things he can't stand the flavor off and thats coffee. Last trip to Alasaka he learned to enjoy beer, leaving only coffee and Pepsi. This trip he is conquering coffee!

Anyhow, we tried to get a window seat in the Cafe but it wasn't happening. We left and met up with Sabrina, who has done a great job showing us different aspects of the city. She took us to the Chelesea Markets which were pretty hip. Then she started talking about the SNL video and Magnola bakery and she was like oh I was going to take you there but I don't want to take you somewhere you have already been so lets go to the Upper West Side and that's what we freakin did. Oh yeah we asked Sabrina if she knew where we could find red vines and Mr. Pibb because we can't find either in the city and she said they might have it in Harlem so that is our next adventure to be had probablly on Sunday.

Walked about the upper west side just looking at all the buildings, shops, and people. Sabrina mentioned how her first couple of months here she was so intruiged by the architechture that she would just travel the whole city simply looking at the buildings. Anyhow, she was good and pointing out some of the intresting features of different buildings. After sometime we took a subway to Times Square in search of a quick bite. We found a place selling falafels and we tried them. JJ and I both ordered a falafel sandwhich and I enjoyed mine but I'm quite positive JJ enjoyed his more. The flavor got a bit tiresome to me after trying to eat the whole sandwhich and I couldn't finish it.

After we finished eatting, we went inside the Toys R Us at times square. It contained some intresting things including a lego manhattan which looked pretty awesome, a ferris wheel, a T-Rex that was animated, a life size Barbie house, and countless toys including Potty Training Elmo! Following the Toys R Us, Sabrina walked us to sixth avenue and then told us which streets the MoMA is between. We had plans to meet Adair at 5 for Target Free Friday because Target sponsers free entry to the musem on Firdays so take that Wal-Mart!

Anyhow, we couldn't find Adair at first and later got a text message explaining he was lost and asking where the MoMA was located. We told him and he arrived a little while later. Anyhow, the muesuem was pretty cool. They had a special showcase by Pixar that is on display until Feburary and I was a little bit disapointed by it. I don't know why I was disapointed but I was. It was cool though to see all the concept drawings, the 3-D sculptures they made of all the characters, and those sorts of things. I figured they were a lot more paperless than they really are.

Anyhow, the musuem was intresting because a large majority of the art I could not connect with at all. I really felt largely disconnecte with contemporary humanity. I coulnd't find the slighets bit of beauty or entrigue in these pieces and obviously other people have found that becuase they have purchased them and decided they were worthy of being placed in the musuem. Anyhow, I would have to say that it really was depressing to me. Anyhow, the other aspect of the musuem is that some of the pieces were really cool and intriguing and totally captured my attention.

One of my favorite things in the whole museum was they had this whole room filled with about 130 TV monitors all playing a DVD of a video diary of the last year of his life. I can't remember the man's name but he was a german artists as best I can remember(JJ has informed his name was Carols Garaicoa). Anyhow, it was really cool becuase they were all stacked neatly on top and beside each other and just rolled the whole last year of his life basically. Another one that was intresting was you walked in this room and it got really dark and you walked a bit further and it turns and there was just this room very dimly lit with a red light and mist and hardwood floors. They also had this cool work done in ballpoint pen where each spelled out the five senses in latin done up in somewhat of a code but not really so much a code. It was cool just becuase of how much work it took to do it because it was about 3 feet by 4 feet and there were six because he added cognitive as a sense.

I guess it was also neat to see some of the famous art as well such as: Picasso, Warhol, Monet, Van Gough, Pollock, and some others. I also enjoyed the OOF painting just because I had joked about it with Mitch the night we were trying to get inspired for the paint off. There was also some intresting photography stuff. One in particular where this guy would take a picture of something incomplete and finish it by placing pins and string on the photograph. They would be like unfinished buildings or deterating buildings things like that, mostly. There was also this one piece that had two people making out with pillow cases over there heads and it was called The Lovers and the artist was Rene Magritte. Anyhow, those were a few of the highlights I suppose but mostly I just felt like I couldn't connect with the majority of the pieces. It was nice to find something that I could connect with though.

Following that we took a Taxi back to near Union Square. Adair dropped off some movies and took us to a shop called Chipolte. It was a good burrito place very similiar to Moe's but a little different. We walked around a bit more and we went to B & N and read for a little bit. One of the books we found was Awareness by Anthony De Mello which will become significant later. This other book was a bit out there claiming that Christianity is a satanic religion and the world is really run by an interdimensional species among some other crazyness. We went by the library and then went to starbucks. JJ took another step closer to overcomming coffee.

After starbucks we went out into Union Square and watched some skateboarders for a while. Then Adair took us to the "maze" which is really a Labrynth. It was pretty fun and we did the labrytnth. There is another one there that I am going todo before we leave. I really want to go to a Labrynth that has actual walls it seems like it would be the coolest. Adair's friend met us, her name was Kat. We were supposed to get on the subway to go to sweet ups but I was playing with the turny thing and Adair ended up being locked out because he swiiped his card and then it thought he went through but he hadn't. FYI once you use your card you must waith 18 minutes before you can use it again so he had to wait 18 minutes before he was allowed on the other side to come into the subway. We just waited and had a good ol time.

Eventually the 18 minutes had passed and we were on our way. We took the L but it ran out because of repair work and we had to take this shuttle buss. We passed up the stop that we needed and got off one late. Walked around and found sweet ups. Contacted our friend the DJ. Decided we were way too tired for any after party. Sat there for just a little bit. Had a drink. Watched some girls that were crazy excited about a camera. They kept possing the whole time and then looking to see the picture. The camera was digital. They were the best part of the bar. It was funny. Decided to leave. Took the bus instead of the subway. Got dropped off a few blocks from the house. Started raining. Walked thorugh a new part of town. Had barbwired fences protecting a grass lawn. Couldn't understand it.

Made it to the house. Realized there was no toilet paper. Went to gas station but they only sold diapers. JJ went to the bathroom while I bought a water. JJ came out the bathroom in record time. *ahah moment. JJ had simply taken some TP. Increadible we are learning Urban Survival Skills. Came back here exhausted. Started to write an LJ entry.

Tommorow. Big Plans. Central Park All Day Long. Purchasing the book Awareness and having a reading of it in the park aloud style. Meeting up with Uncle Phil. Hopefully going to Vigil Mass at St. Patricks! Going to bed. Now.

03:37 am January 14th, 2006 from jamminjj

It's a bit paradoxical to me that you can never have what you most desire, because if you get what was at the top of your list, something else immediately replaces it at the top, moving up to take its place.

I wanted to whine that, as Steve recently pointed out to me, I've never been loved and that's the thing I want most in life. I would argue that it's my number one desire and if I get it ill always be happy, but I know that's not true.

For instance, in the grand scheme, being able to eat everyday is a bigger desire than being loved. I remember being hungry a lot in the past and thinking if only I always had tons of good food around I'd always be happy. I have that food now but this new desire seems the most important now.

So if the glass is half empty you never have what you want most. If its half full you already have 100s of your greatest desires and just being alive and healthy is amazing.

Living happily with desire is a dirty trick that one must learn. I don't believe the Buddhist route of renouncing desire, but that's chapter 2.

12:02 pm January 14th, 2006 from jamminjj

The MoMA was really interesting and has been my favorite museum. I agree with Jim in part that a lot of the stuff made me feel disconnected, but the media floor and photography blew my mind for the most part, and confirmed that I went into the right field. Some of it was too out there for me, but some of it was just awesome. Here are a few of my highlights from the trip.

Dieter Roth - Click enter site, then 1998, then it's the first one on top with all of the TVs.

carlos garaicoa had photographs, but on top were pins and thread. The different colored threads extended the world of the photograph. For instance, one building looked like half of a circle. He created the other half through thread. It was really interesting to see the photograph and then the thread would create almost a blue-print like feel for what could have been or could still be. It was so neat.

I was also excited to see Rene Magritte. His "treason of the image" has inspired some of my photography. I got to see these:

Those were the most interesting things I got to see that I didn't know about or hadn't seen before. Of course, I was very excited by Dali's "The Persistence of Memory" and "Illuminated Pleasures". There were something like 40 picasso pieces, but most interesting of all those were his drawings which are so so different than the paintings. They are detailed and make sense. I was also stoked to see Van gogh "Starry Night". I love that one.

Also saw some monet and Warhol's Campbell Soup series and "Orange Car Crashes 14 Times". As well as some Lichtenstein which I think my sister Carrie is into.

All in all, despite the really weird stuff I didn't get, I really enjoyed seeing this stuff in particular.

January 15th

15 January 2006 @ 12:32 am from jimb0
Rainy, Cold, Snow Ridden Saturday in NYC!

Well, we woke up around noon. JJ actually woke up before me and took a shower. Anyhow, after we woke up and checked the weather and saw that it was going to be cold and rainy we decided to proceed anyhow with our plans for Central Park! So we dressed and made our way for the subway. Unforutantely the express 4 was not running due to construction things and so the trian ride took about 45 minutes until we made it to 86th street station.

Upon leaving the cocoon of warmness, we instantly spoted a Barnes and Nobles and decided to enter to purchase Awareness for our park read. Fortuantely, they had a copy, two to be exact, so we bought one. Following the purchase, we walked until we made it to the park and then decided we should probablly eat first. So we walked a few blocks south and then decided to walk away from the park a bit to find some more reasonablly priced resturants. After scoping out a few resturants we eventually decided on Mimi's PIzza. It was a pretty tasty little pizza joint and we bought strombli and a softdrink for around five dollars. The food was a bit greazy but not any worse than any ohter pizzza joint and the food was tasty.

Following the meal, we left the pizzarea in search of Central Park! We found it all right and in rare form, cold and rainy! We thought it was exciting though because who really gets to explore Central Park in the cold wet rain! We started out at the Jacklyn Kennedy Onasis Reserviour and looked around a bit of it. We then noticed that the posted signs requested counterclockwise flow and that we were headed clockwise so we antied it up and changed our direction for the Anti-Clockwise flow! All the meanwhile double J is steady snappin photies like the papparazi on Marlyn Monroe!

We next walked around the park for a while until we discovered Summit Rock! We got some sweet photies on Summit Rock! We walked around the park some more until we stumbled upon Shakespeare's Garden! You were supposed to be quiet in the garden so we were! The garden was kind of nice but most everything was dead so it wasn't too nice. In fact, most everything in the park was dead but it was still cool! We walked some more until we discovered Belvedere Castle which was a welcome relief because we had been walking in the rain for quite sometime by this point. FIrst we just noticed an overhang outside the castle to escape the rain a bit but later we noticed that it was open and you could go inside. It was pretty cool because you could go to the second floor observatory and look out upon the city and park. We went outside on the second floor for some more photographs and then went inside and considered entering the forbiden thrid floor but thought better of it after much debate. We went downstairs and looked at some turtules before departing.

We next continued to walk around the park some more and found a rock that looked like it would be cool to climb. However, I couldn't climb it even after getting barefoot. Maybee if it wasn't raining i could have climbed it but probablly not. Anyhow, it was a nice break. Oh yeah, this was while we were walking through The Bramble one of the best birdwatching places in the United States! Following this event, I decided to throw away my socks. See, my shoes have drains on them that let water in to the shoe even if it is a very small puddle so by this point my socks were soaking wet and I didn't think they were worth wearing or keeping up with at this point.

We continued walking around the park and snapped some more cool photies. We eventually made it to pretty much the southern end of the park and decided to turn around. JJ wanted one more photo opp on some rocks. Unfortunately, the rocks were really slippery from the rain and he took a spill. Fortuantely, he saved the camera from the fall but in the process banged up his knee and elbow. Don't worry though cause he's a warrior and it can't hold him down!

Anyhow, upon exiting the park we noticed the statue of Alice in Wonder Land. It was pretty cool and had all sorts of quotes! Following our adventure in the park, it had grown a bit late nearly 4:30 and the rain had started to come down harder. We decided it best to find the subway and return to Adairs to regroup. It was a bit disapointing that we couldn't find a place to read the book but it was still exciting exploring the park in the rain! I was suprised by how many people still ran/jogged despite the rain! They are dedicated to thier exercise routine and that is good!

Anyhow, eventually we made it to the subway station and good thing becuase I think we would have frozen if it would have taken too much longer. We got on the train and it took forever to make it back to Adairs. One funny thing happened though on the train because this lady stood up from her seat and started shouting about how Jesus has come and God loves us and came so that we may have life and have it abundantly! The funny thing is that she woke both JJ and myself up but I don't think too many other people heard her because it was noisy and she couldn't scream that loud. Anyhow, after her little speech, she went back to her seat and sat down then fell asleep. It was a good message though so I was happy to hear it although it was a bit funny.

Anyhow, finally afer about an hour we made it to our stop. We got off the subway and made it back to Adairs. We changed clothes and hung out while we waited to leave to go eat with my Uncle Phil and Aunt Sally. We just listened to Ryan Adams' New Album 29 on his website. I feel asleep and then woke myself up by snoring then went back to sleep. It was funny b/c I heard myself snoring. Anyways, I feel back asleep until it was time to leave for Phil's which was about 7.

We left for Phil's and it was cold. We made it to Phil and Sally's and it was pretty cool! They had a nice appartment and kept offering all kinds of food and drink. Maya, Phil's goddaughter, was there and so we met her as well. Anyways, we started heading to China town(Uncle Phil is Chineese). Anyhow, it was way too cold and rainy to wait on a cab so we just decided to go to a local vietienemese resturant. It was a good time becuase Phil just ordered all the food and we just ate it! The food was increadibly tasty and it was fun just hanging out with my family in NYC. Anyhow, he was all appologetic about it not being Chinatown but it still was awesome!

Then we went back to Sally and Phil's place to warm up and chat a bit. We had a fun time chatting and chillin. Then when it was time to leave, my aunt sally kissed JJ on the lips! It was awesome! Then he hugged him like he was a long lost friend that she hadn't seen in years and then I said my goodbyes and we left. It was great hanging out with them. They are increadibly generous people. They kept trying to give us all kinds of stuff and before we left the resturant he asked us what was our favorite part of the meal. Anyways, it turns out he put in another order togo for those things and gave them to us to keep for tommorow.(we weren't aware of this becuase he was speaking to the waiter in chinese because apparently many vietenemse know chinese). Anyhow, finally we left to come back to Adair's! We made it home by midnight! It was increadibly awesome! It is increadibly cold though supposedly it feels like 10 degreees outside and it is going to snow tommorow! It has started snowing a bit now but it is just very tiny little specs that hit you in the face.

Tommorow, we are going to mass at St. Patricks and then going to visit Jess at her Barnes and Nobles. Going to visit the Muesuem of Natural History and who knows what else. Maybe we would read Awarenes!

03:01 am January 15th, 2006 from jamminjj


08:40 am January 15th, 2006 from jamminjj

Everything is covered in snow. Woke up to the sidewalks being shoveled.

It feels like abou 9 degrees outside according to Snow until 11 am. Wind 25 mph with gusts up to 50 mph!!

Heh, it wasn't supposed to drop below about 40 during our trip.

03:45 pm January 15th, 2006 from jamminjj

Jimmy is at church right now. I am supposed to be at a Barnes and noble but it opens later than expected so I've taken refuge from the snowy 50 mph winds inside a starbucks and am enjoying a cinammon dulce latte.

This guy next to me is checking his bank account on speaker phone. His balance is 8000 something but he keeps just having all these deposits for 27 and various cents. I can only imagine he's one of those people from the commercials where you sell stupid stuff and make millions and he just keeps selling the same 27 dollar thing over and over.

It is really cold today.

15 January 2006 @ 10:42 pm from jimb0
What you know bout Grits
Woah, today was not only earliest start it was also our earliest finish!

Woke Double J exctatic about the snow falling down! It was exciting...of course our first move was to check to see what the weather feels like. We were stoked when we read that it was going to feel like 12 oF once we stepped outside. Well, we layered ourselves nice, but nothing could prepare us for the cool burst of existence we felt upon leaving the confines of the appartment. Initally we were gretted by an iced over stairway it was groovy. I tried to bust while climbing down the stairs but my urban surival skills just wouldn't allow it.

Well, let me tell you it was freakin cold! Anyways, I really felt bad for the homeless today but I trust that there are adequate programs in place to keep them warm. Anyways, we made ourway into town and exited the trian headed for seperate destinations. JJ was going to go to the Citigroup Center to Jess's coffe shop and I was headed to St. Patrick's for the Cardinal's Mass. Well, the cold must have really gone to my head because I was ultra disorientied and frustrated about trying to find St. Patricks. The cold really was making it difficult to think striaght and after walking about 3 and half blocks I was about to turn around when I heard the VOICE OF GOD! Well maybee it was only Church Bells but they were good enough for me. Anyways, I was on the block as the Church when I turned around. Thankfully I heard the Church bells and knew I could follow them to the Church. At that point, I decided whatever Church it was I was going to it. Thankfully, it turned out to be St. Patricks.

It was exciting to see how many people were there for Mass. It was a pretty packed house, yet since I was alone it wasn't too difficult to find a seat. Anyways, the mass was nice but I still miss the Abbey Liturgy. I am definitely looking forward to being able to go to mass there every day! Anyways, it was an awesome expereince although a bit difficult to fully enter into the mass. I always have that problem though when i'm in a new environment.

Anyhow, following mass I decided to go find JJ. I couldn't really remember where the coffe shop was but I did seem to remember CitiGroup, Barnes and Nobles Cafe, and 53rd or 54th street. Well, I walked a few blocks until I made it to 54th street and I saw this massive building that said Citibank so I figured this must be near the place. Well, I walked the whole block surrounding the building and couldn't find the B & N. By this time, I was getting quite cold but still enjoying the snow smacking me in the face! I weaved in and out of a few more city blocks and found a payphone. I decided to call JJ from the payphone but there was no answer. Anyhow, I kept bobbing and weaving and asked a few people for help but they didn't seem to know what I was talking about. One person mentioned to go outside and take a right and it was a group of buildings(I had asked about the Citigroup) but that was back where I had seen that massive Citibank building and figured he must have been talking about that more than likely. Anyhow, I continued roaming the city and finally discovered a block with a sign that read CitiGroup and I knew I was nearly there.

Anyways, I went inside and found JJ! I took a while to warm up and talked to JJ about his adventure! It turns out that he had found the Barnes and Nobles but they didn't open until 11 so he walked around the city snapping photies until the cold became unbearable and he retreated into a Starbucks even further defeating his coffee aversion. Anyways, we visited with Jess for a bit and she got us some kind of discount as well. It was pretty cool but then we had to get on our way because we had a musuem to explore and she had work to do.

Anyways, after a brief adventure on the subway rails, we made it to the Museum of Natural History. We decided to wait on eatting until after the muesuem. Anways, the museum was by far the least exciting one we have visited, yet. They had all these signs up all over the city up about their Darwin exhibit. The museum had a suggested donation and alll that jazz and JJ gave the full amount for both myself and himself. Anyways, later on we disovered that the museum admission does not cover the darwin exhibit and it must be purcahsed seperately for $16 but Musuem admission is covered in the ticket. Anyways, it was disapointing, frustrating, and misleading to say the least. Anyways, the musuem was increadibly massive and had lots of stuffed animals(taxadermy stuffed not kid's stuffed).

There was also a lot of information on various cultures and stuff around the world. It is intresting to visit a musuem at this age and remebering visits to musuems similiar in my younger years. Now, I can much more easily notice some of the musuem's agenda in the display pieces. Some of the claims this musuem made seemed a bit of a strech to me. Ranging from claims that in African Culture although the men have all the visible power, the women are really the one's in control because they control their husbands reputations. Anyways, it was intresting to read. Another one talked about how peaceful and understanding African tribes are with each other. They mentioned that they constantly raid and pillage each others' villages but that is merely their saftey mechanicism so that they can live together so peacefully. Those are a few examples of some of the display pieces.

Anyways, one of the cool exhibits was detailing African dance costumes and masks. One mask, Cock-pan, was an entertainment mask that was commonly known as the "fun mask." It could speak any language and answer any question and is respected for its wisdom. Another one of my favorties was the aristocratic devil. He was also accompanied by a musical instrument and two attendants. He was a straw man outfit and he looked very devlish yet dignified. Another intresting exhibit showcased a doll which contained medicine that kept the wife from commiting adultrey whiile the husband was away.

Another funny thing to notice was that all the kids asking their parents either why the people were naked or where were the peopels clothes. As well as, all the other various questions the kids would ask. They were observant people.

They also had some shrunked heads. Apparently some amazon Indians shrink the heads of people that they kill. It was kind of amazing because they cold shrink someone's head to just a litle bit bigger than a bobbel head doll and I do mean just a little bit bigger. Anyways, in the geology exhibit we were able to see some radioactive rocks is always exciting.

In the space exhibit, JJ got his picture next to the biggest metorite rock on display anywhere. It was a big ol meterorite. We also looked at all the dinasours and reptiles. The reptile exhibit had a little picture thing on how to get bit by a snake. One way is to reach your hand into holes that you don't know what is inside them.

Anyways, we walked around the exhibit some more and then decided it was time to leave so that we could make it to the rotating resturant before the sun set. Well, as it turns out we made it to thre resturant before it opened. The resturant is called The View and it is atop the Merriot near Times Square. Anyways, we waited around in the hotel waiting on 5:30 for the resturant to open. We didn't have reservations so we didn't know how that was going to work out either but everything went fine. The elevator ride might have been the coolest part. It was a big glass elevator reminiscent of Charlie and the Choclate Factory. There is an express elevator that just runs between floor 3 and 48 so that is the one we rhode. Anyways, it was cool to see the whole hotel just open up as you were lifted higher and higer into the sky.

Finally, we made it to the top and were taken to a seat. The resturant was pretty cool. The outside rotates while the middle stays still which makes it pretty cool because where the buffet table is in relation to your seat changes throughout the meal. One of the disapointments though is that the top is circular but it is encased inside a square window filled wall. So you are not actually seated right inside the building but rather right inside the room which spins inside the building. Anyhow, it was still awesome! We had read that the service can be a bit slow and our service was a bit slow but who cares when you have such an increadible view! Although, I'm definitely more of a nature boy I have decided. Although the city line was cool, I couldn't help but consider how much cooler this place would be on an island surrounded by water. Then at night you could look at all kinds of stars and at day gaze off into the distance not to mention the sunsets! Anyhow, back to the restruant, the buffet was a bit pricey but that is to be expected for a rotating resturant.

Although the food was a bit pricey, it was actually a very tasty buffet with a decent selection that was all good food. We basically just waited for a bad view or for the buffet to rotate around to us and then we would get up and get some food. The restruant roughly makes one rotation an hour and for some of the rotation you can see the Hudsoun River and New Jersey. Also you could see a skating rink that was crawling with people and it looked neat from such great heights.

Anyhow, you know we couldn't stand to be in such a place and not bring it to the next level. Well, this group of women in their late 30s, early 40s got this table next to us. They were being extremely noisy and chattering about everything. Well, we could tell by their accent they were from New Jersey. Well, this one woman came down to our table and started asking us about the food. We told her how the buffet was a pretty good deal and probablly worth the price which was about $28. Anyways, she asked some more about what was on it. Then asked what was cous cous. We explained it a bit and then she said, "oh, they have shrimp!" Then she begged JJ to get her a shrimp. So he kindly, walked around to the other side where the buffet was located and got some shrimp. He brought them back and she was super excited. her friends were all shouting, "oh, where did you get those shrimp?" She was like my buddy Mister Michigan got them for me(JJ was wearing a Michigan Hoodie)

The woman really enjoyed the shrimp. JJ tried to encourage her to get the buffet. She was all like I can't afford it. Then we were telling her how she could afford it just as much as we could. We talked about how we were increadibly young and in college in stuff. Then we told her how old we were and she was like really? So JJ showed her, his liscence and she studied it over and said oh, you were a little bit pudgy back then and she wasn't too ready to believe that it was actually JJ. However, I figure she considered why would he have a fake liscence claiming to be 23 and decided to believe him. Then she told us how lucky we were to be so young and gave us high fives! Anyways, it was an increadibly hillarious situation! BTW this was on our second rotation!

Anyhow, later on she asked for more shrimp and JJ notified her that she had reached her quota and she had to purchase them if she wanted anymore. She was understanding about it. Anyways, it was fun. Then we went to the desert bar which was phenominal and probablly far better than the dinner buffet which was tasty in itself. After our second time around, we decided we had lived like millionares long enough and it was time to return to the fun life so we headed for the express elevator back to reality.

Anyways, we bundled up to feel the cold winter night and headed for the subway. We made it back to the house around 9:30 and it felt great! We looked up the temperature on and it said it feels like 4 oF outside but that tommorow night it will feel like -4oF. We were so excited that we decided we better go to the gas station get some goodies and then have a snowball fight on our way back from the store because neither one of us can explicitly remember what it feels like to have a snowball fight in 4 oF weather. Well, the snow was sticking very well so the fight didn't work out to well but I took off my glvoes for the fight and we were only out there for about 2 minutes. Still, it took about 15 minutes before I could feel my fingertips again after returning inside! Man, what fun is the cold!

JJ found some finger nail clippers! We sent Adair a text from the top of the resturant to buy some toliet paper and we would pay him back. We havent' fully mastered that urban survival skill yet! Anyways, we have the window open to fight off this blistering heat that the radioator is putting out and it's another succesful night in the Big Apple!

January 16th

16 January 2006 @ 01:40 am from jimbo

We started reading the beginning of Awareness today after returning to the house so early. Apparently, Athony De Mello's writings prompted a statement by Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. I guess I am out of the loop becausee this statement was back in '98 when Cardinal Ratzinger now Pope Benedict XI was the head of the Congregation. Anyhow, one of the better concerns agaisnt his writting is that there really doesn't seem to be any mention of a personal God or the role Jesus plays in a spirituality. However, the book so far has provided some intresting points of reflection that seem pretty good. As the CDF states,

His works, which almost always take the form of brief stories, contain some valid elements of oriental wisdom. These can be helpful in achieving self-mastery, in breaking the bonds and feelings that keep us from being free, and in approaching with serenity the various vicissitudes of life. Especially in his early writings, Father de Mello, while revealing the influence of Buddhist and Taoist spiritual currents, remained within the lines of Christian spirituality. In these books, he treats the different kinds of prayer: petition, intercession and praise, as well as contemplation of the mysteries of the life of Christ, etc.

Anyways, I'm looking forward to finishing the book and am glad to take the wisdom that he provides to another level.

January 17th

17 January 2006 @ 03:50 am from jimbo
Ellis Island, Commedy Cellar
Okay. Let's be honest with each other. You probablly don't want to read a detailed entry about todays events and likewise, I don't want to write a detailed entry because it's 4 o'clock in the morning. The day though freaking rocked. I woke up around eleven and J made sure I was ready to roll. Well, ready to roll, I was! After waking up and layering up nicely, we headed out into the urban wilderness to face the winter's chill. However, bundled tight the chillest chill couldn't break my warmth barrior. Although the wind maintained its status as a formidible foe and a few times pierced by scarf and ate my face off.

Anyhow, before we could ride the rails properly, we had to visit the local gas station for supplies. I, of course, returned to my staple the Arnie Palmer(half lemonade, half tea) delight.

The subway ran pretty well today and before we knew it we had reached our stop. We walked around in the blistering cold looking for battery park which is where the ferry departs for the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island. It really was great to be back on the water, again. Although, it may have been a mere 10 minute fairy boat ride to me it was my official reconcilliation with the water and it's destruction it brought with Katrina. I always feel connected to home whenever I see a massive body of water. It never fails to work regardless of wherever on this earth I am located, as soon as I see a big body of water, I know its something familiar that reaches back to my roots growing up. Now, I suppose even more so that I don't techincally even have a home the water means even more to me. Hooray for the water and our intimate moment we shared together today on the fairy ride to the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island.

JJ started really working hard on his new photography series of pictures of people possing for tourists shots. The Statue of Liberty did not impress me that much. I suppose I probablly was a bit bitter that they weren't letting anyone else in it for the day becuase they had reached their quota or something. We walked all around the island snapping photographs and just soaking it in. The Island provided some really good views of Manhattan and the buildings it has birthed. The creator of the statue was even present on the island. We overheard him talking to the people behind us and although it was kind of cool I was very glad that he didn't come to our table. He kept saying, "v statue, v view" and replacing the letter "v" for the world 'the' to further highlight that he was french. Well, I decided if he came to our table I was going to be certian to offfer hiim some freedom fries just for kicks and giggles. Fortuantely, he didn't disturb us.

Following the Statue of Liberty, we continued on to Ellis Island. Eillis Island turned out to be intresting. The Immigration Musuem had some intresting displays. One of the features of the musuem was that you could look up relatives that may have been processed at Ellis Island. JJ tried to find his great-grandfather John Joseph Sylvia I. I think that he found him but he isn't as certian as I am. You can view the information that was entered into the ships log concerning the passenger.

Furthermore, there were some really good exhibits just highlighting immigration to the United States. It was neat to stand inside the same building that so many immigrants had stood inside of waiting for their chance to incarnate the american dream. These people willing to bring their culture and their work ethic to America really have helped to shape America into one increadible country. The diversity in America really does make life more intresting. One thing that definitely did get boring when I was in Scotland was that everyone looked the same since they were all Scottish. I never realized that was something special about my native land until that moment in Scotland. Anyhow, the immigrants are what made all the diversity possible. They had some videos of recent immigrants detailing a little bit about their story. One person mentioned how it is unfortunate that Americans really don't realize how fortuante and lucky they are. I think it really is something that we can never really fully understand becuase we haven't lived in a situation where so many of the things which we take for granted are taken away from us not to mention even basic neccesities of life. I by no means think America is a perfect utopia but I think people shouldn't be so quick to slight America and label America to be this or that.

Enough about that. Following walking around the musuem for quite sometime we decided to head back to Manhattan. The timing turned out pretty well because we only had to wait about 10 minutes before the ferry headed back for battery park. Once we made it back to Manhattan, we hoped on the train to Astor Place so we could print out our comedy cellar ticket at Kinkos. After printing the ticket, we sought out a resturant to dine in. We stumbled upon an Afghanastan resturant called the something pass. I can't remember the name of hte pass.

The returant food turned out to be pretty tasty, as nearly every meal has been in New York. I don't remember the name of the item I ate. It kind of is exciting to order something which you don't have much of an idea of what it is. Following eatting at the resturant, we sought at the comedy cellar so we would know where to be when it was time for the show. We walked over there becuase our metro card expired today and we were trying to be frugal. Of course, the weather remained cold but it was not too bad. We found the comedy cellar and then walked around for quite sometime. Finally, decided to visit a starbucks to further crush whatever coffee aversion might be lingering in JJ.

Next, we walked around the city a bit more and then decided to head to the comedy cellar a bit early. Fortuantely, we did head there early becuase we were given a choice in seats. We were given seats up close and fortuantely a bit off to the side so we didn't get hekeled too bad. The comedy cellar turned out to be increadibly awesome. The funny thing is that there is a two drink minimum and a three drink maximum. Anyhow, we were seated about 30 minutes before the show started and we planned out our 3 drink selections. Odly enough, this turned out to be the first time in NY that we were asked for our ID besides the 40 something asking for JJ's ID at the rotating resturant but that is a bit different.

All of the acts were pretty good. However, there was this one guy who was increadibly awesome. I don't remember his name but all of his jokes were a bit more involved than normal jokes. Involved in the sense that you had to make more connections than normal. He started talking to JJ and I during his act and then said, "oh, I see. Just two guys out in the Village." because the villiage I suppose has a reputation for being gay. It was a bit funny and a few other commedians picked on us. One said JJ had a read me a book by the fireside beard or something similiar to that.

However, we were largely sapred. The other people in the front were pretty much picked on but nearly every comemdian. There was this one english man sitting in the dead center wearing a tie. Naturally, the commedian would spot him out and ask him why is he wearing a tie and he would respond and his acccent would instantly give him away. He got heckeled a large bit, there was this muscular guy in a white shirt that was constantly being heckled and his girlfirend of 4 years was loving every minute of it and answering all the questions about him that the commedian would ask, and then there were these two girls right next to us that were picked on a good deal as well. Either they were teaseda bout being Lesbians or the commedian would say something like he'd bang them or something ridiculous like that. One comemdian though started talking to them and found out they went to Tuffs and then he started teasing them about being Rich Girls from the Upper West Side.

There were plenty of jokes about jews because most of the commedians were Jewish. One commedian was from Louisana and she talked to us briefly after her act because during her gig she found out we were from Mississippi. Racial jokes seemed to be very prevelaint but they were all in good taste. Almost every commedian except the females would mention how girls have all this power because they have a vagina. I thought it was a bit pathetic but all in all the jokes were good and I enjoyed the show.

Furthermore, we were supposed to only stay for the 9-11 show but we ended up just staying all the way through both sets which didn't end up ending until around 2 AM. Oh yeah, Collin Quinn said some jokes as well. He was really the only name that I recognized but I don't know many stand up commedians.

After the show, we walked to the subway station. Tried to figure out what trian we should take back. Something was happening with the tracks and the trains were running a bit different. We ended up getting off at the wrong stop. This crazy guy approached us and chatted it up with us for quite sometime and asked us if we knew how he could get home on the subway. He shared his Ipod with us and wanted us to listen to some muscician. He told us a story of how his father wouldn't let him play nitendo very much growing up but one time he was near a nitendo conference and his father let him compete in a tournament. However, he hadn't praticed for the tournament and he lost and he wished he would have been allowed to practice. He spoke some more and then followed us onto the trian. It was a bit crazy. He gave us his blog address. It is He says please click the adds because it makes him about 10 cents per click.

Anyhow, after much waiting and wondering we finally found the correct combinations of trains to take us home. By the time we finally made it home it was about 4 AM and it has taken me about an hour to write this entry.

12:56 pm January 17th, 2006 from jamminjj

I never thought 30 degrees would feel warm!!

January 18th

18 January 2006 @ 03:41 am from jimbo
Brief for Real!
Today for all pratical purposes was the last day of our trip to New York. It definitely showed as well. Niether one of us was overly enthuasitic about the excuserion today and it we both commented that it was done more out of the feeling that we ought to do something rather than the desire to do something. I suppose there are only so many days in a row that you can constantly take it to the next level before you need a rest. The highlights of the day more than likely include being able to handle the 30 oF like it was 70oF. I think the wind not blowing like crazy is by far the biggest difference in being comfortable and not being comfortable with the temperature.

Anyhow, aside from that we went to Chinatown and walked around. Found some hot wasabi roasted peas and purchased them. Stoped into a random Chinese resturant where the waitor could not speak hardly any english. There were watching Chinese Music Video Karoke and we were excited to be there. Anyhow, JJ ordered sauted jelly fish and I just ordered some kind of shrimp dish. Both of our dishes were pretty tasty. The jellyfish turned out to be kind of bland.

Following that we tried to find Mr. Pibb and Red Vines. We had heard a rumour that they lived in Harlem so we headed there to investigate. No such luck. I don't know where Mr. Pibb and Red Vines exist in this town. We went to B & N and then walked around and found the Nitendo Center. Went there to spend sometime until it was time to eat. We had made arrangments to meet Adair at Union Square at 9 so we had quite a large amount of time to spend.

Finally, meet up with Adair. Decided to eat at a Cafe. The food was pretty tasty, but these people at the table next to us got on my nerves. Adair commented that they smelled like baby powder. The waitress was trying to suggest things to them that they could eat beacuase one of the girls was a vegitarian. Well, the waitress, who obviously by her accent did not have english as her first language, mentions that they have a vegitarian omelt. This girl jumps all down her throat, "well, uhh...let's try and stay away from unfertilized Chicken fetus...hello, I am a vegitarian." Then she ended up ordering some kind fo tuna and laughing about how she is a vegan but wears leather shows and how she is a walking contradiction. Well, I'm glad she cares so much about being kind and sensitive towards animals and i'm be even more excited if she would start with people.

Anyways, we left shortly after that. Rented a sweedish movie from the early 60s The Silenece by the Ingmar Bergman. It supposedly was a very contraversial film because of the sexual scenes. Anyways, we came home and started watching that. Everyone left and I ended up finishing it but I started falling asleep as well during it. From what I saw of it, it seems good.

Now, tommorow so long as the flight doesn't get delayed or cancelled, I'll be returning back to St. Benedict, LA. I am very much looking forward to returning back there. This break has been a bit tiring moving back and forth between Mobile and the MS Gulfcoast and then taking the trip to NY. It has been fun and great visiting people, no doubt; but, I really I am looking forward to some peace and quiet on the monastic grounds!